Sustainable development is a process of achieving equilibrium between the human endeavors leading to development and ecology that provides resources for the development. Education is a key role player for this therefore environmental education has been introduced in the education systems internationally. In India, environmental concerns have found place in education but merely at cognitive level, imparting information & knowledge. This is not sufficient. In order to raise consciousness of learners and sensitize them towards environmental concerns, a more comprehensive, participatory, learner centered, value based & citizenship oriented approach is required. Incorporating culture in the curriculum offers myriad possibilities in this regard. Indian culture has an inexhaustible treasure of philosophical/spiritual beliefs, mythology, religious practices, rituals, social customs & traditions, languages, literature, scriptures, folklore, food culture etc embedded in environmental concerns. These can be incorporated through an interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary approach to sensitize learners to treat ecology with reverence and make them feel accountable to act & react responsibly as citizens and empower them to find sustainable solutions to issues related to sustainability, at local, national and international levels.