Worldwide interdependence and globalization are major forces in contemporary life.They are already at work and will leave a deep imprint on the twenty-first century(UNESCO, 1997).The process ofglobalization is being driven by ‘Economic Pull’ (Ellyard, 1990). As a consequence,the universalistic nature ofdevelopment as a collective vision of human societies is almost lost (Roy Singh,1991). Such uneven pulls and pushes at global level are widening the socio-cultural gaps among societies, hence, hinders Sustainable Development. Culture (the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively) is who we are and what shapes our identity. No development can be sustainable without including culture,culture is both an enabler and a driver of sustainable development(UNESCO, 2015). Sustainable culture refers to sustaining, transmitting and transformingindigenous culture and endorsingcollective culture through acculturation. Wherein, differences need respects; complexity, dynamism and mixture of culture needsunderstanding and acceptance and learning to live together needsinternational cooperation and exchange (Nivedita, 2010& UNECE, 2012). Education forsustainable culture is a continuous learning process and one in which issues and dilemmas are commonplace and appropriateanswers and solutions may not be definitive (UNECE, 2012). Thus, authors are recommendingCoping Skills for 21st Century (CS21C) in secondary school education for developing Sustainable Culture. CS21C is a set of skills thosewill facilitate individuals to sense changes in society and to respond to thechange, to recognize and fulfill own needs as a member of Glocal society, to know of one’s physical and social environment,to understand global nature of needs and to transfer of local knowledge to global setting (DeSeCo, 2001 & Purohit, 2016).