ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are defined as all devices,
tools, content, resources, forums, and services, digital and those that can be
converted into or delivered through digital forms, which can be deployed for
realizing the goals of teaching learning, enhancing access to and reach of
resources, building of capacities, as well as management of the educational system.
These will not only include hardware devices connected to computers, and
software applications, but also interactive digital content, internet and other
satellite communication devices, radio and television services, web based content
repositories, interactive forums, learning management systems, and management
information systems. The integration of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in education has provided more variation in the process of
teaching and learning. The function of ICT in systematic teaching and learning in
Biology is to achieve the objectives of teaching and learning science at secondary
level. i.e. At the secondary stage the students should be engaged in learning
science as a composite discipline, in working with hands and tools to design more
advanced technological modules than at the upper primary stage. and in activities
and analysis on issues surrounding environment and health. Systematic
experimentation as a tool to discover/verify theoretical principles, and working on
locally significant projects involving science and technology are to be important
parts of the curriculum at this stage.