With the advancement of science and technology there is expeditious growth
of knowledge which alters and varies frequently. Trying to keep pace with the growing
explosion of knowledge and resources the child faces emotional unrest and anxiety.
The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow who will take the nation and the
world community at the zenith. The children are the greatest resource of the nation.
They have to adapt to certain behavioural standards for the development of the society.
Thus, guiding the child’s emotion and channelizing his energy in the appropriate
manner is imperative. The children, in order to realize their goals often take up strange
behaviour that are antisocial in nature. In order to avoid any pernicious effect to the
humanity that may be caused due to frustrations, stress and unrest, the children have
to realize their emotions that impel the action and be able to organize and manage it.
Throwing light on the above incidents, a child and adolescent taking such a
drastic step is very scandalous. What goes on in the mind of adolescent needs to be
explored to find out the cause behind the action that has dire consequence. It is due to
depression, family pressures or they are unable to cope with the increased competition.
Some of the factors which can be responsible are frustration, anxiety, stress, high
expectation of society and parents, depression and increased competition. Every
parent wants their child to crack a medical entrance or other competitive examination
which increases the burden on the adolescent to keep up to the expectation of parent.
The child and adolescent then fear sharing any problem. weakness in any subject or
why he or she could not do well in the exam, with the parent. The child then takes the
extreme step instead of discussing, sharing or facing the problem. Parents and teachers
are considered to be friend and guide of the child. But it is important to note that why
the child takes the final plunge rather than facing the problem or coping with the
situation. Here comes the role of parents, teachers and elders and most importantly
education. We can say that stress on the building of character, personality of the child
and shape the child for the nuances of life. The present education system although has
brought out positive changes it still needs to place focus on developing and shaping
the “Heart” or feeling component. This can solve the problem of anxiety of the child.