Plitical Science as a subject encompass diverse concerns of society and it
carries a normative responsibility to create and widen the popular base for
human values namely freedom, trust, mutual respect, respect for diversity
etc. The selection and organization of material into a meaningful political
science curriculum, enabling students to develop a critical understanding of
society, is therefore a challenging task. The possibilities of including new
dimensions and concerns are immense, especially in view of the student’s
own life experiences.
At the secondary stage, the subject-area of political science draws its
content from Democracy, Constitutional Design, Electoral Politics and
Democratic Rights. Political science teaching needs to be revitalized
towards helping the learner acquire knowledge and skills in an interactive
environment. The teaching of political science must adopt methods that
promote creativity, aesthetics and critical perspectives and enable children
to draw relationships between society and self to understand changes taking
place in society. Teaching should utilize greater resources of audio-visual
materials, including photographs, charts and maps, and replicas of
institutions and material cultures.