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Teacher is the foundation of building society and nation. The progress of society depends on teachers only. Just as bricks have a place in building a building, teachers have the same place in nation building because a teacher brightens the future of the country by providing proper education to the children.
Guru has the highest position in Indian society because he makes the society development oriented through education. Therefore, the objectives of education keep changing according to the country, time and circumstances, which complement the changing needs of the society. Education enables us to choose the right path by taking appropriate decisions as per the circumstances and to choose the right option on different occasions in different areas of life. Teacher is the pivot around which educational activities take place. He is called the creator of the "nation". The most important place in the education system of any nation is that of the teacher. For the progress or development of a school, there is a need for appropriate curriculum, best textbooks, best educational resources and suitable schools, but more than that, there is a need for suitable teachers and teachers. They are the ones who run the education system. In the absence of good teachers, the education system of any country becomes lifeless and dull. |
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