The 21st century is the era of industrial and digital revolution, education also could not remain untouched by the impact of these revolutions. There have also been significant changes in the traditional method of education, especially after December 2019 due to the COVID pandemic. It is not that this change came suddenly in education. As new dimensions of progress were established in the fields of science, technology, knowledge and science in the society, the form of technologies used in the field of education also kept changing. As a result, there was a continuous change in the concept of educational technology, its nature and field of applications. In this era, many types of technologies are being seen. Whatever is happening today is the contribution of science and technology. Extensive changes are taking place in the field of education in which technology has a special role, as a result of which educational technology has developed. Education is the art of providing technical education ideally and comprehensively. Educational technology has given a new shape to education by bringing unprecedented changes in the old concepts in the field of education with modern context.The concept of educational technology has been changing at different times according to its uses and its meaning. Initially the use of educational technology was limited to the use of traditional visual and audio aids like pictures, models, samples and physical materials etc. As a result of progress in science and technology, the existence of other powerful devices like tape recorder, microphone, projector, radio, television, teaching machine, computer etc. came to light and started being used in the education world. Gradually, these machines, equipment and their use started being considered as educational technology. Technical science helps in education by studying the behavior of the child. Technical is the methods of using scientific knowledge in daily life. The objective of education is being achieved by using various methods and strategies along with laboratories etc. Teachers use various types of educational and scientific techniques to present their work simply and effectively, we call these techniques educational technology.