Disability is a very complex issue in India; This overlaps with other daunting challenges such as low literacy and employment rates, widespread social stigma and poverty. Children with disabilities are 5 times more likely to be out of school than the average child. People with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed, and families with a disabled member are often worse off than average. directly or indirectly
Since, these complexities have resulted in PWDs making up less than 1% of the Indian workforce People with disabilities have made immense contributions to society since ancient times. This contribution has been so valuable on many occasions that the common man is forced to wonder whether these people were actually disabled or not. Certainly, when we read Vedic verses of Dirghatama, poems of Homer and verses of Surdas, we are forced to forget the blindness of these great poets. Thus, when we listen to the poems of John Milton or the music of Beauvain, we do not remember that these figures were disabled.American woman Helen Keller, who was both blind and hearing impaired,Showed the taste of Nath Tagore's melodious poems