The desired change in the behavior of the learner is brought about by the teaching process, this work can be accomplished by any educated person, but if we want our child to learn something, broaden his experiences and shape his life through the experiences of mankind. If we want to make it successful, we will need specially trained teachers. By specially trained teachers, we mean those teachers who are familiar with the best and new methods of imparting education and are completely aware of the art of teaching.
Nowadays there is a great need for trained teachers in the country. Many institutions have been opened to train student teachers. Some of these are government and some are government recognized institutions. B.Ed. Training is given. In the syllabus prescribed for this degree, five major question papers are set in the theoretical part. N.C.T.E. According to the N.C.T.E format, questions papers related to educational theory, educational psychology, school administration and health education, teaching methods for various school subjects, history and problems of education and one optional subject are given place in the syllabus.