Teacher is the foundation of the builder of society and nation. The progress of society depends on teachers only. Bricks have a low value in building a building, the same value is important in building a nation, because a teacher improves the future of the country by providing proper education to the children.
Hisak is the backbone of any Ramaaj. If a person's spine is weak or has any kind of disorder, then the entire body is unable to function smoothly. Similarly, teacher is like a backbone in the moral, social, economic and political development of the society. The behavior of a teacher helps in the overall development of the child's personality, hence parents take a sigh of relief after handing over their children to the teacher. Teachers also try to perform their duties wholeheartedly. This is the reason why children imitate their teachers more than their parents, consider them as their role models. This is their love and respect for the teacher. Although every teacher tries to treat every child lovingly, but sometimes a situation arises when the teacher feels that it is necessary to punish the child for his benefit.
In this situation, the question that arises before them is, how much and what kind of punishment should be given to the child which makes him realize his mistake but does not generate in him hatred towards the school and fear towards the teacher