Universalization of primary education has been one of the major national concerns in the post independent era of India. During the last ten years, access to education and retention of children in school have remained significant factors. The issues of retention of children in schools and higher learning attainments require a congenial learning environment as well as professionally qualified and committed teachers. Because primary education has occupied an important place in national agenda, no programme of educational reconstruction can afford to ignore the importance of primary school teachers.
Achieving the goal of Education For All (EFA) is possible only when schools provide an encouraging atmosphere for children to get access to school and congenial atmosphere to learn. Teachers in primary school are the most important factor in retaining children in school. Teacher's satisfaction in their job serves as a base for interesting learning situation in school which retain children. Teachers are employed by the state government for the benefit of society. The state, however. is a creation of civil society. Neither teachers nor civil society appear to be conscious of this basic fact of civic life. Teachers' identity is confined to the government! corporation. A teacher is hardly conscious that she/he is an Indian teacher, promoting the goals of national life in India. He is a teacher in the classroom, at the same time a role model for students. Democracy in India will succeed and prosper if the proverbial 'manon- the-street' can question authority with information, frankness and fearlessness. Teachers have to develop a questioning attitude of mind themselves and encourage their students to develop such attitudes, respect, the diginity and individual worth of every student and promote a dialogical culture in the school. They should become knowledgeable not only about their subjects but also about current affairs and issues of common interest to civil society. This way they can enhance their self-regard. Ultimately, it is teachers themselves who hold the key to status in their own hands through their character, temperament. personality. scholarship and services.