Cicero said 2000 years ago- "what greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct your youth?" His words are as true today as they were 2000 years ago. Teachers .still provide valuable and unique professional service to the nation.
"Mer independence, it is realized that the teacher performance is the most crucial input in the field of educational system as the success of educational process depends on a great extent on the character and ability of the teacher who is the 'Comer stone' of the arch of the education. About teachers The Mudaliar Commission Report (1952-53) stated that we are convinced that the most important factor in the contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacher - his personal qualities, his educational qualifications, his professional training and. the place that he occupies in the school as well as in the community.
"According to Indian Education Commission (1964-66) " of all the different factors which influence the quality of education and its contribution to national development the quality, competence and character of teacher are undoubtedly the most significant. Nothing is more important than securing a sufficient supply of high quality recruits to the teaching profession, providing them with the best possible professional preparations and creating satisfactory conditions of work in which they can be fully effective. In view of the rapid expansion of educational facilities expected during the next three plans, and specially in view of the urgent need to raise standard to the highest level and to keep them continually improving, these problems have now acquired unprecedented importance and urgency".