The environment is the objects, conditions or circumstances through which an
organism is surrounded which consists of all biotic factors comprising human beings,
plants, animals, microbes and all a biotic factors consisting of water, light, soil, air, and
so on. In other words, the environment is the aggregate of peripheral situations that
stimulus the life of all organisms and determines the quality and duration of survival. Due
to the population explosion, expanding industrialization and unplanned urbanization, the
problems of environmental degradation is increasing rapidly. Many threats and problems
are occurring to the environment such as global warming, ozone depletion, drought, soil
erosion, deforestation, and pollutions which are degrading our environment.
Most of these burning environmental problems are occurring by human activities mainly.
Human beings are regularly exploiting environmental resources without proper planning
and ecological thinking. The recently developed concept of sustainable development has
increased the importance of environmental sustainability, as it is impossible to achieve
sustainable development without environmental sustainability. Therefore, educating
about the environment and creating environmental awareness among masses is very
important and need of the hour. Environmental education is the process of building
knowledge, skills, understanding, values, attitudes, abilities and awareness among people
about the environment and its protection. It is the process of education about the
environment, education for the environment and education through the environment.