Language is a powerful medium of expression of human thoughts. With the help of language a person not only expresses his thoughts but also communicates them to others. There is no final form of language, it is ever-changing. Language has an important place in the development of human civilization and culture, that is why A. A scholar named Pei has written-
“The story of language is the story of civilization.
The means by which we can convey our feelings or thoughts to others is language. This definition of Mashash is very broad. Maharishi Patanjali has given this definition as follows-
Language is the process by which we express our thoughts through descriptive or expressed words.
/ Language is an important medium of our communication and the ultimate means of understanding. In the context of communication business, it can be seen that at one end there is the addressee who sends a message and at the other end there is the addressee who receives this message. Language remains the medium of communication between the addressee and the addressee. With the help of this language, the addressee expresses his latent message and the addressee accepts the message expressed in this language as meaning. At the level of expression, language has oral and written forms. In simple form, the means of expression is sound. As the addressee, the speaker binds the message in language and pronounces it through his mouth and as the addressee, the listener understands the meaning by listening to it. On the contrary, writing is a means of linguistic expression in written form. In this context, the writer as the addressee expresses the message by writing and the reader as the addressee understands its meaning by reading it.
It is clear from the above statement that speech is the main means of expression for a person.
Is. Language itself develops a person's cognitive, emotional and cognitive skills.
His self-realization is the means of his becoming one and only one with his Creator. in World
In total there are about YC languages, of which there are thirteen such languages, whose speakers
The number is more than sixty crores. Hindi language has got third place among the languages of the world. Today
The number of its speakers in the rest of the country is around 30 crores. of the Asian continent
Among the languages, Hindi is the only language which is spoken and written outside its country.