Education is a vital and main keys to economic development and improvements in human
welfare. As global economic competition grows sharper, education becomes very necessary
source of competitive advantage, closely linked to economic growth. In addition, ed ucation
seems to be one of the key determinants of lifetime earnings. It is also linked to a whole batch
of indicators of human development. As the pace of technological change quickens and the
workforce in many countries grows older, education will continue to offer a way to improve
and update the skills and capabilities of the older workforce and the young people joining it.
Thus improving the quality of education is a critical issue, particularly at the time of
educational expansion.
The Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can improve the quality of education in
several ways which included, increase in learner motivation and engagement, facilitating the
acquisition of basic skills and by enhancing training of teachers (Haddad & Jurich, 2002).