All social animals communicate with each other, from
bees and ants to whales and apes, but only humans have
_-4 developed a language which is more than a set of
prearranged signals.
Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only it is a
means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges
friendships, cultural ties and economic relationships.
Throughout history, many have reflected on the importance
of language. For instance, the scholar Benjamin Whorf has
noted that language shapes thoughts and emotions,
determining one's perception of reality.
«Language is the light of the Mind." (John Stuart Mill).
Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today
knowledge is one of the xkey factors in competitiveness,
Brains and Knowledge are what create the prosperity and
growth we tend to take for granted. In an advanced
industrial society in an increasingly interdependent world, the
Knowledge of other languages becomes indispensable.
RIE Library Bhopal
Language acquisition is the process by which humans
acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to
understand and communicate. This capacity involves the
picking up of diverse capacities including syntax, phonetics,
and an extensive vocabulary. This language might be vocal
as with speech or manual as in sign. Language acquisition
usually refers to first language(mother-tongue) acquisition.