After the independence, Universalisation of Elementary Education (hereafter UEE) has been an utmost important goal of our education. This goal has not yet been achieved. UEE includes universal enrollment, achievement. universal retention and been universal Although there has significant improvement in enrollment and retention at primary level, achievement level of children is still unsatisfactory. The National Policy on Education, 1986 (hereafter, NPE-86) has emphasised much on the improvement of achievement level. NPE -86 called for paying attention to laying down minimum levels of learning that all children completing different stages of education should achieve. On the recommendations of NPE, 1986 a committee was set up by the Ministry of Human Resources Development in 1991 which submitted its
report entitled Minimum Levels of learning (hereafter MLL) at Primary stage. The main objective of this committee was, clearing up MLL for primary classes and achieve recommending procedure for comprehensive learner evaluation and assessment. MLL was confined to the curricular areas of Language, Mathematics and
Environmental studies in Cognitive and Non Cognitive areas of learning.