The progress of a nation in diverse fields ultimately depends upon
the quality of its people which, in tum, depends upon how well the
youngsters are molded by their parents and teachers. The Indian Education
Commission, 1964-66, has rightly remarked in the opening sentence of the
report that, "The destiny of India is now being shaped in her class rooms".
The truth that, "No people can rise above the level of its teachers", as
observed by National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, is something which
the planners, managers and administrators of education can ill afford to
Ignore. Every teacher and educationist of experience knows that even the best
curriculum and the most perfect syllabus remains dead unless quickened
into life by the right kinds of teachers and right methods of teaching.
Therefore, all the factors which influence the quality of education and its
contribution to national development are the quality, competence and
character of teachers, apart from the infrastructure and resources. So,
nothing is more important than securing a sufficient supply of high quality
recruits to the teaching profession providing them with the best possible
professional preparation and creating