Science is a dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, covering ever new domain
of experiences. So the teaching of science should be so planned that it enable
students to examine and analyse everyday experiences. More so at secondary
stage where students should be learning science as a composite discipline and
for doing this, first teachers should be trained. The same is also recommended
in NCF 2005.
It is also pointed out in NCF 2005 that teacher education programs today train
teacher to adjust to a system in which education is seen as the transmission of
information. (p.107) Teacher education must become more sensitive to the
emerging demands from the school system, it mentions. More so far the
teaching of science. So it recommends the in-service programs like refresher
courses, seminars, workshops etc. for the teachers which can play significant
role in the professional growth of teachers and function as an agent in school
related practices. (p.111).
But before this some training material should be prepared in advance on which
the above programme can be organized and the material thus prepared can be
distributed to science teachers. This training package should employ a
constructivist approach to learning and teaching using five phases, known as the
5Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate). The Engagephase
aims at promoting interest and motivation. During this phase the emphasis is on
activities to arouse curiosity, puzzle students and raise questions for further
investigation. TheExplorephase provides students with practical experiences.
During this phase students continue to raise questions, listen to the views of
others and begin to investigate different phenomena. Students are encouraged to
express and share views while value judgments about views are suspended. In
the Explain phase students explain their findings to others and their ideas aresubjected to greater scrutiny. During this phase, the teacher introduces
relevantscientific explanations. By theend of the explain phase students
investigation. The emphasis inElaborate phase is on students applying their
new understandings developed during previous phases, to a range of familiar
and unfamiliar situations.
During this phase, students can see how fruitful their new ideas are. This phase
is important as it allows students to see how well their ideas work in a range of
contexts. The Evaluate phase is the final phase. Here students' understanding is
assessed formally and students are encouraged to reflect on and question the
ideas which they have developed. Each lesson taught involves aspects of each
phase, and each phase should be evident in the planning and implementation of
the unit as a whole.
Keeping this in mind this PAC program is organized.