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dc.contributor.authorChughtai, I. B.-
dc.description.abstractPAC programme titled, “Capacity Building of Key Resource Persons Enrichment of Talents of Gifted Students at Middle school e of Maharashtra (code No. 93.30/23.15) was organized 2023 at Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal. Theon Nurturing and stage” for the stat from 20-24, February, training programme was attended by a total number of 25 KRPs of Maharashtra state. The resource persons from within the Institute and outside discussed in detail about various aspects related to nurturing and enrichment of talents of gifted students at middle schools stage. Some of the related key areas discussed during the training programme were as followsen_US
dc.publisherRegional Institute of Education, Bhopalen_US
dc.subjectLearning Resource Centre,en_US
dc.subjectNurturing and Enrichmenten_US
dc.subjectScience education,en_US
dc.subjectSTEAM in India,en_US
dc.subject21" century skillsen_US
dc.titleCapacity Building of Key Resource Persons on Nurturing and Enrichment of Talents of Gifted Students at Middle School stage.en_US
Appears in Collections:PAC Reports

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