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Title: Three-Year Integrated M.Sc. M.Ed. Course
Authors: Garg, Ashwani Kumar
Keywords: National Education Policy 2020
Three-Year Integrated
M.Sc. M.Ed. Course
PAC 23.17
professional development programme
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2023
Publisher: Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
Series/Report no.: 100;
Abstract: The integrated MSc. M.Ed. programme is a professional development programme aimed at preparing teacher and teacher education professionals spanning all Science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology; Mathematics and Education. This innovative integrated Programme is designed in such a way that it will not only provide required teacher or teacher educator to perform teaching, learning and assessment activities but also provide integrated qualification of M.Sc. M.Ed. in 3 years instead of normal degrees of M.Sc. and M.Ed. separately in 4 years.
Appears in Collections:PAC Reports

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