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Title: Capacity Building Program For PGT’s Of History for the state of Maharashtra, Daman, Diu, Dadar and Nagar Haveli
Authors: Pethiya, Sangeeta
Keywords: Capacity Building Program
State History
Reproduction of facts
Transformational pedagogies
Pre- historic and Proto- historic
21st century skills
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
Series/Report no.: 90;
Abstract: History is called the mother of all subjects. It is one of the most interesting subject. But, unfortunately, History is generally perceived as a subject of rote memorization for reproduction of facts, often seen as dull and boring, information loaded with no scope for logic and reasoning, It is also very often not on the high priority subject list of the students. The reason for the same could be the approach of both the teachers and the taught towards the subject in the manner in which it is taught and assessed. Therefore, there is a need for transformational pedagogies in the teaching and learning of History, so as to arouse interest and curiosity of the learners.
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