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Title: Institutional Repository of RIE Bhopal
Authors: Tripathy, P.K.
Keywords: Institutional Repository
RIE, Bhopal
Green Stone Library
Digital Space
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
Series/Report no.: 79;
Abstract: Most of the universities and institutes are going to digitalize their own collections so they can improve the accessibility and availabilities of documents to the community. To increase the awareness of their organization’s collection based on that easily available information; organization can improve their further documentation of their collection. So the regional institute of education has been initiated on that direction and digitalize their own collection (like Dissertations, ERIC Report, Faculty Publications, Institute Publications, PAC Programs and Thesis etc) by using the software Dspace (digital space) i.e. open source to maintain and manage the data.
Appears in Collections:PAC Reports

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